I am no gamer, and it has been 15+ years since I even thought about picking up my dusty Pokemon cards, but I can’t ignore the rapid rise of the top app in the world: Pokemon GO.
You don’t need to have a twelve or thirteen year old to have heard of this app, as it is all over every media outlet.
This game phenomenon has revolutionized the streets, the parks, and the workplace, and it is only a few weeks old.
Here are three things you should know about Pokemon GO:
- It isn’t just your kids who are using it. According to Vox.com, among the 600 billion users of the app, almost 60 percent of the users are between the ages of 18 and 24. And 40 percent of them are over the age of 25.
- People aren’t using the app safely. This app requires walking, and while pedestrian safety is nothing new, that doesn’t mean that people don’t disregard their common sense when on the hunt for their next catch.
We’ve already seen major headlines about distracted driving crashes and pedestrian accidents that were directly tied to the use of Pokemon GO. According to AdAge, auto repair shops are already taking advantage of this rise in accidents, creating billboards with the hashtag, #Don’tCatchAndDrive.
- This is only the start of the rise of augmented reality apps. According to Mashable, Augmented reality (AR) is a live view of a real-world environment; this environment is “augmented” by video, graphics, GPS, sound, etc. This app took off, and there is no telling which one will follow suit.
Many are asking whether or not this success is sustainable. But there is a reason why this app has scaled its way to the top of the charts with over fifteen million downloads. We’ll see; only time will tell. But until then, we’re doing our best to stay ahead and use it our clients’ advantage.
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