By Justine Daley
Podcasting, live video streaming and Snapchat (yes, Snapchat) offer big opportunities for law firms this year.
While not new, podcast consumption is on the rise. According to recent research, more than 60 percent of listeners are between 25 and 64 years old, and the podcast consumer is a lot wealthier compared to the average American. It is a huge opportunity for law firms in 2016.
Online live streaming video is the new kid on the block. This is not the first time live streaming has been introduced into social media marketing. Early players, like Ustream and RedVideo, were too early to the party. What the market needed was a combination of mobile adoption and better camera quality. The two biggest players today are Periscope and Meercat. Opportunities for live streaming include firm outings, backstage moments and quick updates on current legal matters in the press. Once you have an idea, write it down. This will help you keep a long list of possible streaming episodes.
This social network is all about sending temporary mini-moments to your followers. Before you jump to the conclusion that this is a crazy idea, there are two very important stats that show Snapchat is a serious platform:
1. Nearly one-fifth of all social media users use Snapchat.
2. Over 65 percent of Snapchat users regularly contribute content to the network.
That makes Snapchat more active than most social networks — and that leads to more engagement. Getting people to interact with your posts is the driver of any successful social media marketing campaign, which makes the Snapchat user a great target. There are two types of marketing campaigns on Snapchat: stories and snaps. Stories are a compilation of snaps from the last 24 hours, all strung together and sent out in one long stream. The stories are still short in nature, but this format provides the opportunity to create a day’s worth of content condensed into a minute. Great content would include conferences or association events.
Snaps are like text messages with a shelf life. They disappear after a set time. (You set the time, say, at 15 seconds.) Once a user looks at the image, it disappears. This is great for fast updates. If you deal in finance, you could send snap updates on the market. There are a lot of possibilities, but this is still uncharted water for most law firms.
For more information about new social media marketing mediums, read the full piece by Jabez LeBret by visiting Attorney at Work.
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