By Justine Daley
According to Pew Research Center’s Social Media Update 2016, Facebook is still the most popular social media platform, largely due to the continuous increase in adults that join the platform. And the ways to market your law firm on Facebook seem to be growing every day.
If you’ve been reading our newsletters and watching our webinars, you know now that marketing your law firm on Facebook—when thinking about growing your leads—is very much so about pay to play.
May law firms pay to play by doing one-off Facebook ads by promoting shareable content and doing giveaways. Others are trying out Facebook’s remarketing abilities. But we are always looking for more ways to turn Facebook ad spends into clients.
We recently listened to a podcast that discussed how they integrated Facebook Messenger with their paid ad strategy, leading to an out of this world ROI. This podcast detailed how you can now advertise using the call to action for someone to message you on Facebook.
According to an April update by Tech Crunch, Facebook Messenger has over 1.2 billion active users, and they aren’t just communicating with their friends. Facebook’s most recent changes to their business pages make this call to action even more prominent. Visitors are encouraged to message the businesses directly when they have questions or want to speak with someone. This better allows you to meet your potential clients where they are and communicate with them in a channel they feel comfortable with.
The first step in making sure you’re leveraging Facebook Messenger is to ensure you or someone at your firm is able to receive the notifications. The second step is to promote that call to action in a way that makes sense for your practice area and at the right time in your potential client’s journey.
You wouldn’t want to just serve an ad to everyone in your area, with the copy including, “Have a question about divorce? Message our team.” However, setting up a remarketing funnel, perhaps starting with a promoted post targeted a specific audience, and then serving only the people who engage with the post the Facebook Messenger CTA would be more appropriate.
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