As digital marketers and lawyers alike, we are constantly asking ourselves the ever-present question: what website content actually persuades people to pick up the phone? By incorporating new technology into our process, we have just begun to hone in on a few possible answers. Heat mapping has allowed us to take a front row seat to a client’s experience on a website. It’s like watching a movie; we can see a visitor’s voyage through your website—each hover, each click, each scroll.
A common trend we have identified among all of our heat maps is this: website visitors are spending a great deal of time reading attorney bio pages. In fact, the attorney bio page is sometimes the page that induces that coveted appointment request click.
At GNGF, we warn you to not discredit your biography. This section should ultimately be persuading the client. It is your chance to put a face to the law firm. It should include your accomplishments but also have a personal aspect to it. There should be links to your other pages, especially the “Contact” page. As our research shows, this could be the information a visitor needs to ultimately be persuaded that the law firm is right for his or her case.
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