Do you know where your business email lives? This likely isn’t something you’ve ever considered, but what type of server hosts your email is incredibly important.
There are multiple types of servers that can host your email; however, we recommend that your email reside on a server dedicated to hosting emails. This server should also be separate from the one that hosts your website. Why?
Web servers are notorious for being attacked, which means that they are more likely to go down than email servers. If the server that hosts your website goes down, this means that your website will also go down. If your server goes down—and it hosts both your website and email accounts—you won’t be able to visit your website or send emails to your staff, your clients, or the courts until the server is operational again.
Having a separate server for your firm’s email accounts has the benefit of being more secure and of allowing you access to your email even when your website server is down. If you have your email accounts on the same server as your website, consider making the switch. A good alternative to this would be Google Apps for business (what the GNGF team uses).
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