You may have heard the buzz surrounding Google’s recent SEO shake-up, nicknamed “Pigeon.”
This gray bird has made the world of local search look a little bleaker. The recent changes to Google’s algorithm are forcing local SEO experts to move more of their focus to organic search.
The most noticeable change is that Google removed its “7-pack” of search results for select industries and locations. A few months ago, if you searched “DUI attorney in Dayton” the top seven local listings would have appeared along with a map of the area. Not anymore, however: based on your location and industry, you may be seeing a smaller pack or none at all.
While the SEO world is still scrambling to keep up with Google’s latest algorithm change, we do know a few things for sure. Local search is still important, but it shouldn’t be the only focus. In terms of ranking, organic carries the most weight.
Organic ranking doesn’t just improve because of a few keywords tossed in here and there. You will see your organic ranking improve when you see your engagement increase. This is why sites that are more static have been greatly affected by “Pigeon.” Sites that have consistent posts and site updates increase their chance of engagement, which thereby increases their chance of improving their ranking. We emphasize the importance of producing monthly content for this very reason.
At GNGF, we make it a priority to follow Google’s changes quite closely, always working on adjusting our strategies to get you the best possible results. Some things never change, though: Google truly keeps us on our toes.
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