By Jabez LeBret
(excerpt taken from piece originally published in attorneys at work)
A couple of major things have changed with LinkedIn over the past two quarters: increase in Pulse activity and decrease in Groups effectiveness.
Pulse is the LinkedIn publishing platform. There are those who believe lawyers should not publish on Pulse because it devalues the content. LinkedIn does not filter who can and cannot publish on Pulse (any user can publish now), so the naysayers argue there is no measure of quality, thus diluting the pool of content.
They are just wrong.
You do not publish on Pulse because it elevates your status as a writer; you publish on Pulse because LinkedIn has a built-in audience of professionals. This does not mean you should ignore your blog and only post on Pulse. It means you should occasionally post on Pulse to increase your followers. The good news is LinkedIn automatically has turned most of your contacts into followers of your content on this platform.
You should think of Pulse posts like a blog: good images, catchy title, and don’t burden the piece with too much legalese. What you should not do is publish a blog post, then copy and paste that exact post on LinkedIn.
The Pulse network will not attribute the value to that content that you need. This means all posts on the Pulse network should be unique. A great strategy is to refer to other posts you’ve written on your blog or other outlets. This will drive some traffic to your website but not a ton. The LinkedIn user likes to stay in LinkedIn.
After you post content to the Pulse network, your profile views will spike. So it is important that your profile is complete and well structured. Having a complete profile will maximize your return on the efforts.
There is no need to talk about Groups other than to say they are no longer worth your time. Engagement with group posts has plummeted in the past six months. This is likely due to LinkedIn’s push to increase the volume of content on the Pulse network. This makes sense as more content on Pulse means more indexed pages for LinkedIn in search results.
If you’re considering posting content on LinkedIn, connect with your Account Manager at GNGF and discuss some possible prompts.
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